How do I un-embed a google doc form a page?

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How do I un-embed a google doc form a page?  I cannot seem to delete the document I embedded.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning,  @romero_martin ...

When editing the Canvas page of content where your embedded Google Doc lives, have you tried placing your cursor at the very bottom right corner of the embedded content ... not clicking on the embedded document ... but just slightly to the right of the bottom right corner?  You should see a text cursor to start typing.  Try hitting the backspace key on your keyboard to delete the Google Doc (just like you would to delete text).  If that doesn't work, you could always go into the HTML view of the page, find the code that is related to the embed, and remove it that way.

I hope this will help, Martin.  Sing out if you have any questions about this.  Take care...stay well.

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