Group Discussions with one shared Rubric

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I have a faculty member that has set up group Discussions, and wanted to know if the Rubric grades would transfer to all members of the group. What the Faculty member is attempting to do is give the whole group the same grade and feedback on the Discussion without re-posting it to each member individually. 

I ask because in SpeedGrader, the group names do not appear when the group assignment is a Discussion.

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @saalex  - Indeed, this is by design within Canvas. While I admit it does not seem to be explicitly stated in the online lesson on How do I assign a graded discussion to a course group?, it's what is missing from the options.  Unlike when setting up a group assignment in Canvas, group discussion settings do not have the checkbox for Assign Grades to Each Student Individually and, therefore, neither the option to enable it or disable it. The end result is exactly what you're seeing: in a group discussion, everything must be graded individually.  While the instructor may not agree to this idea, I can understand where the designers are coming from. Because that group discussion is taking place within the group, not every member will necessarily respond in the same way.....if at all, for that matter.  With "regular" (non-discussion) group assignments, however, there is the ability to leave that checkbox disabled (which is the default for regular assignments) or to enable it, under the assumption that same instructors will give everyone involved in the group project the same grade. 

In case you're wondering if anyone else has complained about this, they have....but it's not garnered much support.  In the Cold Storage area--which you can join if you wanted to--there are two separate feature ideas that died on the vine: (with 5 votes) and (with 1 vote).  You or the instructor are welcome to create a new Feature Idea, if desired.

I hope this helps a bit, Scott, even if it may not be the answer the instructor is looking for.  Stay safe!

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