Can I move questions from an OLD (un-editable) Question Bank into a new bank?

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This seems weird and VERY frustrating (as are most things associated with Canvas quizzes). We still have only old quizzes, if that matters. I have a bank of 23 questions that I made some time ago, and I can view and pull questions from the bank (it is bookmarked), but I can NOT edit the bank or access the course it was in (I believe it was archived).



So now I would really like to have these questions in a new question bank in a current course. I was able to add them all to a quiz, which I thought would put them into "unfiled questions", but it did NOT. (I'm guessing because they already live in a question bank??). I tried to use "import" to see if I could import the question bank to my course, but the COURSE does not even show up as a course I can import from.

So I can USE the questions in a quiz, and I can edit them IN THAT QUIZ, but I can not seem to find a way to get them into a NEW question bank. <sigh> Any ideas?

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi @dmg34 

Canvas does not have a course archive feature, so I doubt if your course was archived. What has most likely happened is that your school's Canvas Admin has limited instructor access after a certain date. The really simplest thing to do is contact your Canvas Admin, and ask them to extend your access so that you can import that item bank.

Until then, use the Course export function to export the quiz you made using questions from that bank. How do I export quiz content from a course? This will create a QTI export file. You can then import that QTI file into the new course, and as part of the process, canvas will ask you which question bank you want the questions in. You can use an existing bank, but I would recommend creating a new question bank appropriately titled, before you start the process. How do I import quizzes from QTI packages?

I hope this helps,



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