[ARCHIVED] "Mark as Done" selection not holding (as instructor)

Community Participant

Hi all. 

So. I'm an instructor, I set criteria for this first critical week of ALL ONLINE, ALL THE TIME for Covid-19, et al. My issue is that if I'm in the course and I do things, then click on Student View (OMG, do I LOVE that toggle that Dan wrote!), I have to go through each item, check "Mark as Done" to view the new things I've put in a different week/module.

OK, that's fine.

But. The NEXT time I'm in that Blueprint, I make changes to another module/week, clean up some stuff, then blithely click Dan's fabulous Student View toggle and...I cannot (as a faux student) view the new content. Why? Because I must complete the required elements of Week 1. Again. 

Seriously? That's going to get old, somewhere around...yesterday. 

It doesn't do that for actual students, why should it for me, the instructor, in "student view."

Anyone have suggestions? Help? Ideas? Work-arounds?


Stay safe, everyone.

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