[ARCHIVED] inbox search

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I generally use Chrome or Firefox. Using Chrome, when I type a keyword that I can see in the list, nothing happens. In Firefox, the FIRST time I try a search I get a spinner like it's working but then it finally stops with no results. Subsequent attempts in Firefox, doesn't even get me the spinner. Clicking "Search Recipients" in either browser has no reaction. It also won't allow me to highlight my search term to delete, I have to use the backspace key.

Browsers are up-to-date. Cache is cleared. Browsers have been restarted. I'm technologically savvy and am a key Canvas support for our schools, so I don't think it's user error, but anything's possible.

Anyone have any ideas?



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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

cholling​, just checking, but when you enter something in the search box, are you entering a name? As far as I'm aware the search box only works with student/faculty names. I did a check in Chrome (version 44.0.2403.157) and Firefox (39.0) and when I searched for a name it worked in both browsers; it actually worked better and more quickly in Chrome. If you are searching for a name, have you tried a different computer?

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