[ARCHIVED] importing from another institution?

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How can I import a course from another university where I teach?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi Rachel,

First, you'll want to export the original course from the other school and save it as a Canvas export file.  There are instructions at

How do I export a Canvas course? 

Then, you'll want to log into the Canvas server where you want to copy the course to and import the export file you saved into an empty course shell.  There are instructions for importing from and export file into another course atHow do I import a Canvas course export package? 

Of course, you must have an empty course shell to import the content into.  If the school does not automatically create course shells for you, you may be able to create a new course on your own using the instructions athttps://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12819-415241327 


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