[ARCHIVED] hey can log in to canvas, see the course but the notes are not present, there is no issue with the main cohort

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Hi, I have an issue with a cohort of students. They are part of the main class. They can log in to canvas, see the course but the notes are not present, there is no issue with the main cohort, all notes are there for them. My canvas team here in the university tell me its a registration issue (the cohort are international students) and the registration office tell me its a canvas issue. I am going nowhere fast. Can any of you offer a potential solution that I can work through myself to resolve.


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1 Solution

Hi  @maurice_osulliv   There could be a number of reasons why the content is not appearing for students.  I would definitely check that the course and the course material is published.  If not published, students would not be able to see the content.  There has also been a number of posts where users indicate that if they are using outdated operating systems and browsers, content is not appearing.  Students should review these sites What are the basic computer specifications for Canvas? and Which browsers does Canvas support? to ensure this is not the problem.  Beyond this your best bet may be to contact Canvas Support (see How do I get help with Canvas as an instructor?).  Support could look at your class specifically, unlike those in the Community, to see if they can figure out what may be going on.

I hope this helps and when you learn what is causing the problem, please let us know!

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