[ARCHIVED] compare Canvas and Salesforce’s EDA.

Community Explorer

I am hoping you can help me compare Canvas and Salesforce’s EDA.


Salesforce (SF) has their Education Data Architecture (EDA). If you look at the ERD, https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/sfdo-docs/heda_entity_relationship_diagram.pdf , you can see the general objects they have. More is at https://powerofus.force.com/s/article/EDA-What-is-EDA. . But would you do two things for me: 1) Write your opinion of the comparison of the two ERDs after briefly reviewing the EDA ERD and compare it to your favorite Canvas ERD (I found one at https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-11944-example-canvas-data-erd-structure) 2. Add a link to your favorite Canvas ERD


Why would you choose one over the other? 




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