[ARCHIVED] adding students to course

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when adding students to the course, are they required to have an educational email address?

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At my college, students must have school email addresses. We are not able to them to our Canvas courses ourselves. The students' enrollment in Canvas is determined by their class registration in SIS.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JulieBallowe ...

Similar to @SusanNiemeyer, our students are given a student e-mail address at our school when they decide to attend our Technical College.  That e-mail address is the primary address that is used to create a Canvas account for them.  Students can, however, add an additional e-mail address to their Canvas account if they want to also be notified about things in Canvas not only to their school-issued account but to their personal e-mail account, too.

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Community Team
Community Team

With Free For Teachers accounts, there are no requirements for registering with an email address. While you can recommend a school address (if the student has one), any email address will work when registering for a course!

It is really neat how many different ways Canvas can be used in various contexts! There's a lot of flexibility, and it's open to the institution, school, or FFT user to leverage the tools. 🙂

How do I add users to a course? 

How do I enable course self-enrollment with a join code or secret URL? 

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