[ARCHIVED] Word for Mac

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I am updating some accessibility documents that we have at our college that we use to train people on checking on accessibility and one of them centers on the Accessibility checker that Microsoft Word 2010 and higher has.

Seems to be a great tool for PC users but no so robust for MAC users? Does anyone have any good instructions/info (words of wisdom) on Word for Mac accessibility checking?

Webaim’s information

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1 Solution
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Hi Dale,

Yeah, accessibility checker for Office 2011 does not exist, and so far the only accessibility improvement I've heard about for Office 2016 is "improved support for VoiceOver". Smiley Sad

What we've been doing is using Office 2013 on a PC to run the accessibility check, add alt text, etc - not an ideal solution! I think maybe the only good advice to give for word on mac is the usual: use headings, high contrast colors, templates, etc.

This doesn't help your mac situation, but the most comprehensive and detailed info I've found on making Office accessible is from Karlen Communications: Accessible Document Design 2015 (PDF). There are other, shorter handouts available as well: Karlen Communications - Handouts!

Good luck!

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