[ARCHIVED] Video Thumbnails are randomly chosen?

Community Contributor

Hey all,

So quick question to both Arc product team and other Arc users. For most of our online courses, we have filmed each course instructor in a face-to-face kind of classroom setting, then we designed an introduction splash page for each lecture describing what each lecture is about. With Vimeo, we had been able to select that splash page as the video's thumbnail students will see when the view the Canvas page.

With Arc, I don't have this type of control over the thumbnail or frozen frame students first see when they open the Canvas page. This is slightly annoying because, out of thirteen videos I uploaded into Arc for one of our courses, the thumbnail Arc selected was an image of the course instructor with his eyes halfway open, giving the impression that the video somewhat of an unprofessional. Is there any way for us to have either control over the thumbnail image for each Arc video?



Thanks for reading!

- Tim D.

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