[ARCHIVED] Unusual Notification Trigger

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I had set the grade posting policy to be "Manual" while grading an assignment. After completing grading, I clicked on the "Post Grades" option from the Gradebook. This triggered an email stating "Grade changes and comments have been released for everyone". Will all the students receive this message or only the TAs and the instructor receive this?

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1 Solution
Community Champion


I am not sure if this answers your question or not, but in the instructor manual page:


about 2/3rds of the way down there is the following:

"To post grades and submission comments to all students, click the Everyone option [1]. When the Everyone option is selected, the Visibility icon will be removed from the grades page for all students, including students with ungraded submissions. An assignment notification will also be sent to all students.

To post grades to students with graded submissions or submissions with comments, click the Graded option [2]. When the Graded option is selected, the Visibility icon will only be removed from the grades page for students with graded submissions or submissions with comments. Assignment notifications will only be sent to students with graded submissions."

So it looks like students receive a notification as well.

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