[ARCHIVED] Unauthorized Downloading of Quiz Images

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I am an instructor. Student Access Reports show that students are downloading images from art history quizzes while taking the quiz, tantamount to saving each quiz question. 

Are they actually downloading/saving the image? Or, is this a product of taking a quiz electronically, meaning is it automatically happening if they are on their phone or tablet, for example, and not of their doing? I am trying to understand if they are actively saving the quiz images.

And in either case, can they access (and share) these images after the quiz?

And if so, is there anything we can do so that they cannot download quiz images?

We embed jpegs into the question. We are using Old Quizzes and not the new version of quizzes (which looks great, btw). If it is happening automatically, would a different type of file (pdf image, for example) make a difference?

Thank you for your help.


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Unfortunately, there isn't a way in Canvas to prevent students from right-clicking on an image and saving it, and there isn't a way to track this or know when it happens.  That's just the nature of web browsers and the Internet.

The access report you mentioned is only showing viewing stats (something Canvas can track).  That little "download" icon in the report does not actually track downloads, so it's a bit confusing.  Again, since Canvas is just a web page, it doesn't have a way to track any downloads like that.

Here is the Canvas page about the access report: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-view-the-course-access-report-for-an-in.... The bit about the download icon is at the bottom of the page.


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