[ARCHIVED] SpeedGrader Hide Graded / Average Information?

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Is there any way to hide this information (SpeedGrader Graded and Average scoring at top)? This would help with video feedback.Is there any way to hide this information (SpeedGrader Graded and Average scoring at top)? This would help with video feedback.

Hi I was just wondering as a springboard from the ability to hide student names in the SpeedGrader, is there an option to hide the "Graded" and "Average" details that show up across the top of the SpeedGrader page? I have faculty members who like to give video feedback (especially for submitted papers), but don't want to show assignment information that might reveal prior students' performace (for example: the second student alphabetically could see the score of the first graded student in the average listing).

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This is not currently possible in Canvas and there is not an existing related Canvas Feature Ideas. You might consider creating a new request in Ideas. (How do I create a new idea conversation in the Instructure Community?)

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