[ARCHIVED] Shared Commons (Update file creates new files instead of overwriting)

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I have used Blueprints before and the default behavior is when I upload a new version of file it overwrites the file with the same filename, I then sync the courses that needs the file and the file is overwritten in the courses with the updated version.

But when using a module from a Shared Commons this is not the behavior, instead it actually creates new files in the course root files folder each time you update the Shared Commons modules.

So each time I updated a Shared Commons to a course it will generate new files in the course files root folder. I excepted it to behave like the blueprint sync where it overwrites the files with the same file name instead of adding copy's each time.

Image below shows what the Shared Commons module contains.

Files in the Shared Commons moduleFiles in the Shared Commons module

Image below shows a course root files after the Shared Commons module have been updated.


Instead of overwriting the files it adds a copy with the added numbers -1, next time i update a file in teh Shared Commons modules the course will get a file named -2 and so on.

Image shows second time I updated the Shared Commons module. Displays the root files in a course that uses the Shared Commons module. Now displaying -2 in file names and keeping files -1 and original file.


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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi @JimmyW 

Yes, this is exactly the expected behavior of these two different programs. Do you have a question for this forum, or are you suggesting that the behavior of both programs should be the same; or more specifically, that Canvas Commons behave like BluePrints when updating content to a Canvas course?

If that is what you are asking for, then you should copy this post over as a new Idea Conversation in this Canvas Community.

Good luck,


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