[ARCHIVED] Revising , omitting , changing the format of quiz questions

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Good Evening I was wondering if i can receive written instruction and the sequencing involved with the following information.

1.  how do I create a quiz?

2.  How do I pull a quiz from the masters and have it place on the shell without publishing it 

3.  How do I load a Midterm exam and once loaded modify or omit one of the original questions with a replacement and save it?  Your assistance would be greatly appreciated My supervisor showed me a wrote it down and I must have written the last step wrong because I cant finalize this quiz

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach


1. To get started creating a Quiz, go to the Quiz section of your course from the left side navigation and click the + Quiz button.  Here is a link to all of our quiz guide pages which will have more details. https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10460-canvas-instructor-guide-table-of-contents#jive_conten... 

I'm also including a link to a general overview video about quizzes with might help  

2.  I'm not sure what you mean by "the masters" and guess it might be a terminology your school is using internally.  If you are just referring to another course and you have appropriate access to that course you can use the Canvas Import Tool to bring a copy into your course How do I copy content from another Canvas course using the Course Import tool? 

3.  After you import an exam such as in #2, you'll have full access to add to, edit and delete questions and settings.  Please refer to the link in #1 for how to do such things.  The final step is to Publish the quiz which makes it visible to students and available based on the dates/times you set up in the Assign section of the quiz.  Additional information about those settings can be found here https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-26470-what-options-can-i-set-in-a-quiz 


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