[ARCHIVED] Quiz problems

Community Participant

I am marking quizzes and noticed a couple of problems.

a) a fill in the blank with two choices (is and are) was marked wrong even though the correct answer (is in this case) was marked as correct and given by the student. I tried regrading, which only resulted in another point for the student, and that orange banner, regraded, but the answer is still marked red for wrong. 

b) another fill in the blank had in fact had the wrong answer marked as correct. I tried regrading, changed the answer, but now the answer is still marked as wrong,  and the points have not changed, although the question is marked as regraded. This looks really weird:


screencast of regrade problem 

c) In  a question with four fill in the blank options, three of which were marked correct, and the fourth was wrong, the student was given 0 points even though the question value was 4 points.

In case b, the fault is obviously mine, and I should have checked more thoroughly, but why did the regrade function not work? The other two seem to be arbitrary bugs? Can I trust the quiz automatic grading function, or should I in fact check all of these hundred or so submissions?


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