Well....... just thought I'd mention that the LE version is ...."old" ... designed in the MS(tm) WinXP(tm) era.
And that is OK!! MS(tm) is giving the gentle user "a taste" of what can be done with the whole application (paid for).
What was posted about what needs to be done to get a functional, printable, exam is correct but it will "take some fiddling" as it were.
This whole thread really should possibly spark a more general discussion about whether Canvas needs to "be all things to all people".
There is an old adage in the world of Linux that is something like this: "one job one app" or "one need one app".
There is nothing wrong with that approach.
The only thing "wrong with it" is that..... "people" always "want more" and.....to make MONEY...the developers always have to "provide more".
And sometimes that leads to destruction because the weight of all the "top hamper" becomes unwieldy.
There are a LOT ....i mean..........a LOT of proprietary and non-proprietary "test generators" running around in the world of software ....
and a LOT of the FREE as in "free beer" software really is first rate and some of it is....not so much....
The really GOOD software that does not have a "bunker mentality" and tries to FORCE people to use it and ONLY it... whether it be commercial or FOSS really is.......good........
AND.....if one thinks about it....
think of the lowly "pencil".... a pencil is a pencil is a pencil.......but we have BAJILLION of different shapes, colours, sizes, implementations, etc...
but a pencil is a pencil...
and the same for a "test generator".
The ONLY REAL REASON.....to have a "keep the buyer in MY STABLE" is because of a particular implementation of deploying the "test bank" which is provide by...guess who.......the book publishers.
I............PERSONALLY............have a "book" that..........was published in the late fifties.....
Oh my gaawwly.......fifties........WHY IS HE EVEN MENTIONING that piece of DECAYED, STOOPID., USELESS piece of drek!!??
One reason and only one reason.
"the parts of the cell are the parts of the cell"....at the high school level or the entering "terminal" biology class. The nucleus is the nucleus and that is that for those students.
The "noun" is a person, place or thing........although maybe not nowadays....but anyway............
BASIC CLASSES have rather definable information.
So............ this BIG LONG POST DEVOLVES TO....
A).......JUST WHO............actually USES Canvas for more than grade keeping, posting syllabi, etc. ?
i) a person who uses a "provided test bank" as required by the department
ii) a person who "makes up tests to suit the class"
It does not really matter which ....
If one looks at in a cold and calculating manner.
A) the teacher has to "make a test".
B) the teacher has one of two choices
i) use a provided test bank
ii) make it up whole cloth or using a test bank to provide the basis of the test.
B) The teacher wants to NOT MAKE IT AGAIN....if possible...in other words.........save the test for next semester.
Does it matter whether the test is "made in Canvas" or "in a test generator" in terms of doing either of those with the caveat that a bureaucrat above the teacher says.......DO THIS OR FEEL MY WRATH!! ?
So......to finish this off....
Would it be worth discussion to have a discussion about......hmmm that's kind of like Snoopy skating around on the ice covered pond! 
Would it be worth discussion to:
a) have EACH AND EVERY stakeholder here at Canvas NOW and IN THE FUTURE .....to provide:
a) the name of their available test generating programs ( proprietary and non-proprietary) AND the "export" file type.
b) that "Canvas" provide a HARD LINK to the LISTING of the aforementioned test generators and the exports thereof.
c) and that the Canvas devs then concentrate on the programming to IMPORT the said exam file types FLAWLESSLY.........as in FLAWlessly....
d) or, given that proprietary software sometimes makes it IMPOSSIBLE to "export / import" "completely"....that the developers then CLEARLY STATE that........maybe...."you can make a multiple choice and a matching but you cannot include an image".
Dunno...........this is all just a suggestion.
Of little worth.
And, as always, if anyone wishes to comment on my REALLY, REALLY LOOOONNNNGGGG post, please so do. 
james sheldon
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