Are you talking about the list of all pages that you get when you click on the Pages course navigation link?
If so, you can click at the top of any of the columns to sort by the column. There will either be an up arrow or down arrow to indicate whether the sort is ascending or descending. One of the arrows will be dark and the others will be dimmed -- the dark one indicates the column that currently controls the sort.
For example, with the header shown below, my pages are sorted in descending order by the date they were last edited (most recent edit first).
Note that the changes you make are temporary; the next time you load the Pages list, it will revert back to alphabetical order by title. Also note that you cannot change the way anyone else views the order, that is up to them to change.
I would say to see this lesson in the Canvas Instructor Guide for more information about sorting pages, but I've provided more information above than it does. Still, there may be other useful information there: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12776-4152322017
If you are talking about the order that the pages appear in the modules, then you can drag and drop the handle for each module item. See this lesson from the Canvas Instructor Guide for more information: How do I move or reorder a module item?
If you are talking about something else, can you provide more information?
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