[ARCHIVED] Organizing the Dashboard and Course list

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How do I remove a previous course from my dashboard or list of courses?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi, Ellen!

Canvas favorites all your courses by default, but you can manage them manually in your Courses list. As I'm not sure of your user role, but this lesson is the same for all roles about how to remove a course: How do I customize my Courses list as a student? 

Once you manually manage your courses list (even just for one course), only the courses that are favorited display on your dashboard until the course has concluded. But even then, courses can remain on the Dashboard—how they remain on the dashboard can be complicated depending on how your course is set up.

But now you know how to manage your Dashboard. Enjoy!

As for your courses list, any courses that have concluded stay in that list, but they'll be moved to the bottom of the page. Your current courses will always be at the top.

Hope that helps!


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