[ARCHIVED] Module Progress/ Navigation not working on pages with tabs/ accordions

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The module progress bar works on all pages except for those with accordions or tabs. Any advice on how to fix this? 

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @NadineStrydom 

I am sorry your question went so long without an answer! This is something that you might benefit from reaching out to your school/organization's design coordinator. Did you create the pages yourself? Some screen shots of what you are working with may help the community better understand the impact you are seeing.

I do not have any experience with the issue you described, but if you are still having this problem you may consider reaching out to Canvas Support.

I did find this suggested idea that the community is voting on and you may want to vote on it yourself as it could be a good alternative to what you are working with now - https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Module-Progress-Bar-amended/idi-p/319341

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