[ARCHIVED] Mandatory Orientation Course

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I am new to k-12 and Canvas.  I used to be Sysadmin in Higher ED.  Blackboard was our LMS, I had the luxury of having in house PL/SQL developers and a Local SIS  "Oracle/Banner"  system.  With  the help of Instructional Technologies,  I was able to institute  mandatory orientation course  for all online students.   With Covid-19 and distance learning, I am trying to establish a Canvas mandatory orientation course for all incoming freshmen except I have no PL/SQL skills  and SIS is SaaS hosted with Power School.   Is anyone doing in the group doing Canvas mandatory orientation course?  if yes:

- Is it automated  process "enrollment"

- How can you force it?

- How can the course not be skipped?

Thank You

Aziz Darouichi

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