Hello @shahx024 ...
As I understand your question, you would like for only one module to display on your course "Home" page (set as your Front Page) instead of all modules. Unfortunately, this doesn't appear possible within Canvas. However, I do know this would be possible if your school had the CIDI Labs DesignPLUS: Design Tools integrated into Canvas. This is a paid product which offers much more than what you're asking for, though. Using Design Tools, you could create a page that lists only the items for one module on a page, make that page the "Front Page", and then you'd be set. Here are a couple rough mock-ups that I created that shows a couple different things you could do.
For this first example, I created a page (used as the Front Page) where Design tools lets me display a single module with all items in it. There are tabs at the top that a user can click on two switch between modules. As you can see, I have tabs for Learning Plans 1 and 2.

For this second example, the Learning Plan module names are listed (which are both clickable and go to the appropriate section on the modules page), but then I can pick which module I want to display on the Front Page.

So, again, this is a paid product, but I think it would meet your needs if you wanted your school to look at the product further.
For the time being, I think you're going to need to create a Feature Idea (if one doesn't exist already) so that people have a chance to vote on it and add their comments. Here are some resources for you on Feature Ideas:
I hope this will be of help to you, Rachna. Please sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!
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