[ARCHIVED] Late submission loophole

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Hi all. 

So, I thought my essay was due on the 6th. I was smugly submitting it today, 3 days early, to only realise that it was due at 5pm today! 
My tutor has informed me that it’s a 10 point deduction. This is final year and I need every one of those points! 

I believe I have identified a loophole- due to covid, there is a safety net policy in place which means resubmission a following a fail are not capped at 40. What is stopping me resubmitting a blank document, which will fail, and then I can resubmit my actual assignment and receive my full grade?! I’m confident enough that my assignment would not be below a 40 grade (would not be a fail). 

can this be done? 

thanks in advance,



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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@RenayKnight  Instructors can see all of a student's submissions to an assignment and it would be surprising if they didn't immediately catch on to a blatant attempt at gaming the system. In the scenario you've posited, uploading a blank document does not fail; the instructor will see that the student has uploaded a blank document. In other words, they could easily determine that the first submission does not constitute a "fail" and therefore is not covered by the safety net policy.

And if a student attempted this with me, I'd bring the dean of students into the conversation. 🙂

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