[ARCHIVED] Is there a way to make quiz "answer" boxes bigger?

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Why are the answer boxes so small on quizzes? I get why matching questions need small boxes--space is limited on screen due to the layout. But there appears to be plenty of room to expand the boxes to the right for multiple choice and multiple answer questions. The answer boxes only allow about 30 characters to be visible in edit mode---when you have 100 character sentences in the box, you can't see the whole sentence and are forced to scroll over which is really annoying.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi there  @cdollar a belated Welcome to the Community. Smiley Happy 

While there isn't a way to make the box bigger, you can do a couple of things to work around this.

- Copy and past from a document. That way, you can see the total answer before putting it in as a field in the quiz. 

- When editing the quiz questions, you can click "Show Question Details" so after clicking "Save" you can see the answers in their entirety. 


So while there isn't a way to make the box bigger, there are a few small ways to make the work flow a little easier to manage. Smiley Happy 

Hope this helps!

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