[ARCHIVED] Is it possible to hide "old" courses in the courses mainpage.I only want to see the current one

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Hi  @daniel_rolk  and welcome to the Canvas community. When you say the "courses mainpage", I assume you're talking about the dsahboard which contains the course cards. You can customise which courses appear here by going to the "All courses" screen and setting your "favorites". On the "All courses" screen you'll see all the courses you're enrolled on and some of these will have a yellow star - these are the favorites that appear on the dashboard. If you want to hide a course that currently has a yellow star, click the star so that it turns white. If you want to show a course that is not currently on the dashboard, click the star so it turns yellow. See this page for more details: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10570-4212710327 

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