[ARCHIVED] How to import people from another course

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How do I import people from another course?

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1 Solution
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Community Coach

Hello there,  @missioncte01  Welcome to the Canvas Community.  Thank you for posting your question.  Normally, course enrollments would be handled by your school's local Canvas administrators.  For example, at our Technical College, our SIS (Student Information System) passes all courses and enrollments from Banner (our SIS) to Canvas.  Some schools, however, allow their instructors to enroll students on their own.  Other schools may allow students to self-enroll in their courses using a unique course URL.  There isn't anything inside of a given course that allows you to import enrollments from one course to another.  The Course Import Tool in a Canvas course allows you to import (copy) course content...not enrollments.  I would recommend that you reach out to your school's local Canvas administrator to discuss how student enrollments are handled at your school and how best to get students from one course into another course.  I hope this helps.

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