[ARCHIVED] How to extract Notes from Canvas Gradebook using Tableau?

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Hi, I understand that Notes column is not included in the Gradebook CSV export file. (How do I use the Notes column in the Gradebook? | Canvas Instructor Guide | Canvas Guides )

Are there any Tableau users out there who are able to extract/export Notes entered in the Gradebook Notes column?

Reason why I need to extract Notes in Gradebook is because College staff has been using the Note column to flag a student as having Assessment Resit. I need to create a report for College staff for prize giving purposes. This report must include any resit information as student who resit an assessment will be discarded from prize considerations.

Any assistance/suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks.

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1 Solution
Community Novice

Received the following update from Instructure team:

The notes column from the gradebook is not in Canvas Data at this time. We are re-working the gradebook, so this will possibly come once it's finished. Same as above, there is not a set timeline for when that project will be complete.

The submission_comment_dim table "comment" column refers to any comments a student/teacher makes on the submission itself through speedgrader, or if the student clicks on the assignment and makes a comment. So you won't be able to find the gradebook notes column information in that table.

You will need to use two API endpoints to get the data:

1. /api/v1/courses/:course_id:/custom_gradebook_columns to get the id of the custom gradebook column

2. /api/v1/courses/:course_id/custom_gradebook_columns/:id/data to get the actual data from the column

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