[ARCHIVED] How to Change colors and sync on google calendar?

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I’m having issues trying to change the colors of my courses in terms of transferring them accurately on my google calendar. For example, I have three classes; one that I put green, one orange and the other is purple on Canvas Calendae. But when I copied the link to put it on my google calendar, it all appears as one solid color with repeated events of another color. I tried to attach teo screenshots the website doesnt let me. Anyways any help would be great; the color coding helps me with organization of my classes and with planning.

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1 Solution
Community Champion

@Lesliee I could be wrong on this as I don't sync my Canvas calendar to Google but I tested my theory and it seems correct.  First, the colors you pick in Canvas are not saved/associated with the link that you get to put into Google. Basically that setting is just a setting for how it displays in Canvas.  Then, the Canvas calendar link that you use to bring it over to Google is a flat file, it is not broken apart by your courses.  So Google sees all the events as belonging to the same calendar thus only displaying one color.  You would need each of your courses to be a different calendar so that Google could color code them as such and I do not believe this is possible.

Not sure what all you have combined with your Google calendar and I know that there are a lot more features in the Google calendar than in the Canvas one but maybe you could use your Canvas calendar as your official calendar.  When you open the Calendar in Canvas, there is a calendar with your name.  That is a personal calendar that you can put events/appointments on that others do not see.  So, you could put the other things that may be on your Google Calendar on the Canvas one if that sounds like an option for you???

Sorry that is not the answer you were looking for.  There may be others in the forum that have found a way to pull this off.  



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