@don_bryn , thanks for the table. The offending lines set the top and bottom margin to 1em and the line-height to 3.
From _g_instructure.scss
.user_content h3,.user_content .h3,.mceContentBody h3,.mceContentBody .h3 {
By the way, there's a note at the top of this file.
// there is certainly a better place to put whatever it is that you were thinking
// about putting here. Ask the UX team if you need advice.
// In fact, you will get a cookie for anything that you safely remove from this.
I want my cookie, preferably chocolate chip and not the small piece of data a website stores in a browser.
and (the best I can tell) _bootstrap_overrides.scss sets the line spacing for h1, h2, and h3 to be double the base line spacing, which is 1.5. So this shows up in the CSS as line-height 3:
h1,h2,h3 {
The line-height:3; doesn't affect h1 and h2 because a few lines later in _bootstrap_overrides.scss there is a line-height specified for h1 and h2, but none for h3. The h3 just contains the font-size definition.
Very limited testing (Firefox and only with inline styles) show that if you set the following styles it should fix it (possibly not within the rich content editor, but I'm not as worried about that as I am what students see).
.user_content h3, .user_content .h3 {
margin:6px 0;
h3, .h3 {
line-height: 1.5;
You will note that I didn't include the .mceContentBody. The Rich content editor uses .mce-content-body and the only place in the source code that mceContentBody shows up is in the _g_instructure.scss file.
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