[ARCHIVED] Grading Essay Questions in New Quizzes

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With the new quizzes, is there a better way to grade essay questions and get the grades to update? 

I created a quiz for my class using the new quizzes feature, which has honestly been an exercise in frustration. I have a mix of question types including hot spot, multiple choice, matching, etc.; and I included a couple of essay questions. Thanks to the guides, I finally found the speed grader option. I have been going through and grading the essay answers. When I mark the question and give points, even if I scroll down and click the "update" button, the score on the sidebar and in the Gradebook doesn't update with those points. I figured out that if I add a fudge point and then take it away, I can get the score to update. Is there a better way to do this?#

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Hi, Nick. Speed Grader definitely is NOT easy to find!! Go to your grades tab in Canvas and then click on an individual grade for one of your students for the new quiz assignment. You will see a small right arrow in the box with the number grade. Click on the arrow and then a menu pops up on the far right and you can find the option for SpeedGrader. 

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 @hhartkopf ‌, I was just troubleshooting this same issue in one of our courses, and the only way I could get the score to update within SpeedGrader is to click the "Update" button as you did, then refresh the screen -- this refresh then populated the updated score into the sidebar. I then clicked "Submit" just to be sure it worked. While this is not ideal, it is easier than also having to repopulate the updated scores in the GradeBook manually.

This really needs to be fixed by the New Quizzes team!

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