[ARCHIVED] Google LTI ownership issues

Community Member

I have a co-teacher in my Canvas course and everytime I create a LTI Google assignment it shows her as the owner even though it is my Canvas course, I own the Google Folder, and I created the assignment. I have only received suggestions to fix it via transferring a Google Classroom course (which does not exist). I am unable to transfer ownership in Canvas itself it seems. Even when I deleted her as a teacher in the course it still did not remove her ownership. 

One of the reasons this is such a big deal is because I am supposed to receive emails when students try to share their documents with one another, but because she is listed as the owner, she is receiving these emails (which I am sure is annoying because I have 5 sections of this course and she only co-teaches 1 with me). 

I have tried so many things to resolve this and have gotten no results. Any help is appreciated.

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