[ARCHIVED] Global Grades link vs Grades link in a Course

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Last year the assignment tab in the global menu had people divided into two camps of thought about it. It was later removed from the global menu, but caused quite an uprising from the people who found the link very useful. It was a part of their workflow and they missed it. I have to say I was in the camp that was happy to see the global assignment link go away. On our campus it caused too much confusion for instructors and students. In the new UI the global menu displays on left along with the course menu when users are in a course. In the InstructureCon Release Notes (2015-06-17) a lot of people pointed out that this may confuse users. Currently the only value I see for global grades link is that instructors have access to the interaction report. For students the page just creates a list of courses with their current grade in each. So I am wondering just how useful the global grades are to instructors and students at your institutions? And for Canvas people what was thought behind having a global grade link?


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Community Champion

The global grades are over on the right now. Ah yes the global assignment link was much discussed in the old community. The fear with the global grades link was that both menus in the left side the Canvas screen when you were in a course. This could cause confusion. I personally prefer that students are directed to go the course to view content and grades which is what the course cards do. The global activity stream and To Do list can mislead students sometimes or allow them to view the assignment out of context.


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