[ARCHIVED] Favorite Tools/Sites for EMBEDDING in Canvas Pages

Community Champion

Hi everybody! I've been asked to give a presentation at my school on external tools that you can embed into Canvas Pages. We're doing a "PAINT Canvas" campus-wide festival on March 29, and this presentation will be part of that event, although I don't know yet what the other presentations will be. I've set up a workspace for my presentation here:


That workspace is a Canvas course (public, totally open), so please just click and go

(pinging stefaniesanders‌ this is the thing I wrote you about, and pinging  @keeganlong-whee ‌ to say THANK YOU for the chance to be part of the event remotely!)

UPDATE: All the pages are done (which is to say, I'm still tinkering)... but all the tools are documented.

Power of Dynamic Content. Just speaking for myself, I am a huge fan of tools like these because they allow you to be presenting fresh content in Canvas just based on your normal life online (you tweet or retweet, it shows up automatically; you write a blog post, it shows up automatically; you add a video to a playlist, it shows up automatically; you add a bookmark to Diigo, it shows up automatically, etc.). I don't really like to work inside Canvas. I like to work on the Internet using familiar tools, and then have the results show up for me in Canvas (or wherever; these embedding techniques also work for blogs, wikis, other websites, etc.).

As you'll see there in the course, I have planned out: Blogs, Diigo, Flickr, Inoreader, NPR, Pinterest, Soundcloud, Storify, Twitter, YouTube. They all fall into either the iframe, javascript, or RSS categories. Is there some other method of embedding that I'm missing...?

Anyway, thanks in advance for advice, suggestions, questions!

paints canvas

~ ~ ~

Update: Thanks to the power of CanvasCon and Twitter, I learned about another open Canvas course about embedding, so I wanted to share that here too!

Canvas + _______ =Engaging Experiences 


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