[ARCHIVED] Enrolling students in new courses - batch upload with CSV options

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We upload 200-300 new students every 2 weeks to one of a dozen courses. Is there a way to import only First Name, Last Name, and email address into Canvas through a CSV file? 

The only things I can find require additional information such as user ID, which we do not assign/have in our CSV files. I'm looking to just upload names and email addresses and then have course invites sent via email through Canvas.

Thanks for any insight!

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2 Solutions
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Since the user_id is a required field in the user's csv this is not possible. You will find that documented here. Also, the only way invites are sent is if they are added in the UI on the people page.

How do I add users to a course? 


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Community Explorer

FOr a very simple solution - create an excel or google sheet with First Name, Last Name, and Email Address as separate columns. Then copy and paste all three columns at one time and paste into the email address area on the People > + People pop-up page. Click Next, check the box next to name in the top line of the new pop-up box and the names will appear - they may look wonky, but they will correct on the next pop-up.


More info is found here: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-add-users-to-a-course/ta-p/1119

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