[ARCHIVED] Enrolled students not showing in course

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Hi all,

I have an instructor with 16 students enrolled in her course according to Banner, but when we check the enrollment in Canvas there are no students listed. As the campus admin I checked the course to verify that no students were showing. Just an FYI in case it has something to do with the issue, she was randomly removed from the course and had to be added back in as the instructor. Any suggestions?

Thanks for any help you can give.


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi Kathy,

You will want to check the feed file that is being sent from Banner to be sure that current data is being sent, and also look at the records of the import to see if there are any errors showing up in the import process.  (We don't use the Banner integration, so I don't know if it goes through the standard SIS import process or not...)

You might also run a provisioning report (Admin > Settings > Reports > Provisioning) and retrieve a report of enrollments including deleted enrollments and look for enrollments for that course, to confirm whether or not the enrollments have been created and then marked as deleted for some reason.


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