[ARCHIVED] Embed Module links on Front Page of Course

Community Member

Is there a way to have module links in a course on a front page on Canvas?  I am attempting to link several modules to the front page of my course. The module links on the page are associated with an icon button  I created, for example, one icon button reads Module 1 Week 1, and so on.

I know when I go to create a page, Canvas allows me to link a module to the button I created on that page. However, when I go back to the home/front page and click on the button associated with that module, I receive a message that says that the page is disabled.  I checked and the page is not disabled and in fact, all the pages and modules are published as is everything inside of them.

I don't have modules as a selection on the navigation menu, in other words, it is disabled from the navigation menu, however, should that matter?  I didn't want confusion from the students seeing a front page with the module "buttons" and also a module selection on the navigation menu.

Your help is appreciated.


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