[ARCHIVED] EduAppCenter vs. IMS LTI

Community Member


I'm trying to better understand the purpose of the EduAppCenter site versus the IMS LTI site. From reading other posts it seems to me that the EduAppCenter site is a community board for sharing apps that another institution with a cloud-hosted Canvas instance has tested while the IMS LTI site is a certification specification for ensuring that digital learning tools are safe and reliable.

There are many apps I would like to test but I want to know for sure the standards for how an app is approved to be listed on EduAppCenter so I can determine if the vetting and approval process of the  EduAppCenter or the IMS LTI certification process is more reliable.

If my suspicions are correct, the EduAppCenter can have apps that are not IMS certified, but instead, were submitted by a single school who has said that it worked for them, and then Canvas does some form of additional testing and approval.

Any clarity to this concept would be greatly appreciated!

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