[ARCHIVED] Drop Down Menus Difficult to Use

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Community Novice

Drop down menus in Canvas seem difficult to use.  Especially on my phone but also, overall.

For instance, in the Inbox when I'm trying to create a new message:  When I'm trying to click on just one course in the drop down menu of courses, I click in the box and the course list pops up.  But when I move to the course list to select the course I need, the list disappears.  And, no matter how many times I click in the box, I generally have to see and lose the list of courses multiple times before I can finally select the course I need.  Very frustrating.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach


It sounds like you are using the web interface for Canvas on a mobile device.  Have you tried using the Canvas Student or Canvas Teacher apps instead?  They both have much better access and workflows for mobile devices which should work much better than those drop downs.  You can download the appropriate version (student or teacher) from the App store for your devices.  There is even a brand new way to log in once you get the app using a QR code https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-26631-711561231835 


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