[ARCHIVED] Does posting a Google Cloud Assignment as a "group assignment" give edit permissions of that doc to all members of that group?
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I am interested in the idea of "collaborations" but want to make it a little simpler to have the collaboration doc be uploaded to all student gradebooks of that group.
So, here's the question:
If I use Google Assignments to publish a google doc by naming it as a "group" assignment, will all students of that group have access to the same google doc? Or is naming the "group" assignment mean that the assignment will populate as a submission in each student's gradebook?
If the permissions are not granted by using Google Assignments with "groups", is there a way to set up collaborations ahead of time, and direct link in text of the assignment to the specific collaboration, or do I just link to the "Collaborations" section of the course?
Thank you!
Jen Spencer
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