[ARCHIVED] Course Format in SIS Import

Community Champion

Thanks to everyone who has voted for the Canvas feature request to include Course Format in SIS Import.  Unfortunately, after the initial wave last week when the voting window opened, the voting has really slowed down this week and this request is still shy of the votes needed to officially meet the threshold required for it to be evaluated by Instructure.  If you get a moment this week, please take a minute to "Share" this feature request with others at your institution, groups you are a member of, or other people you have connections with in the Canvas Community.

Also, if you haven't visited the discussion recently in that request, some great conversations have taken place about the growing usefulness of this flag, which spun off a companion request for Instructure to make this course format field available for reporting in the native GUI reports as well as in Canvas Data.  Check it out and add to the conversation if you have other great suggestions for how this field can be used.  Don't forget that this is being requested to be an *optional* field in the SIS Import framework.  I'm not trying to change what is already working for everyone unless you decide to include this optional field in your CSV files.

​Thank you!

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