[ARCHIVED] Content Entry Form In Canvas Classroom

Community Champion

We have developed a Program Information Sessions Canvas classroom in which prospective students can view recorded information sessions on our various programs, then complete and submit an embedded contact form (Google Form) for programs in which they are interested. Our Outreach Department would then use the form's spreadsheet to follow-up with prospective students to try to sell them the '54 Edsel.

Our Outreach Coordinator would like to capture the name and email address of everybody who views the information sessions, whether they fill out a contact form or not.

I can create a Front Page that captures this info on a Google Form, and put this page into a module that requires that students contribute to the page, and include a button to Continue after they have completed the simple Google Form, then lock the modules with the rest of our pages until they complete the check-in module. However, Canvas does not recognize completing the Google Form as contributing to the page.

I am hoping that some of the great minds in this group can help me find a workable solution.


  • Must be simple for users. We are looking at the lowest common denominator here. I don't want folks to have to know anything about Canvas whatsoever.
  • Must collect user name and email address in a way that will make it available to Outreach staff without having to go into Canvas if at all possible.
  • Activity must be recognized by Canvas so that subsequent modules are unlocked.


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