[ARCHIVED] Choices when Viewing All Files vs. Searching for a File

Community Champion

Does anyone have an explanation for why the choices you have for what to do with a file would differ if you just selected the file while viewing "all files," vs. the choices you have presented to you after searching for a file? Here is what I mean.

  • Go to Files and look at all of your files listed
  • Pick one by clicking on the "3 vertical dots" to the far right of its name
  • You see this:

Screen Shot 2021-03-12 at 12.39.42 PM.png


  • Now search for a file by entering part of its name in the search box and hitting return
  • Click on the "3 vertical dots" to the far right of the filename
  • You see this:

Screen Shot 2021-03-12 at 12.26.44 PM.png

One of my teachers is positive that it did NOT work this way until recently. I opened a ticket with support, and they tell me that's the way it has always worked and/or they cannot find anything in the documentation that says it has changed. In any case, it makes no sense to me that it would function this way. 

Any thoughts?


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