[ARCHIVED] Canvas and PowerSchool Version 10

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We are a fairly new district to Canvas (Oconee, SC) and I am working with a pilot group to test out the Canvas gradebook.  We use PowerSchool as our SIS and updated to version 10 over the summer... meaning grade pass back from Canvas to PowerSchool does not work.  Grade pass back was a HUGE selling point to us as a district and to our teachers during adoption.  Mid-term is quickly approaching.  What is the easiest way to get grades from Canvas to PowerSchool without that feature?  Is there a way at the admin level to produce a report from Canvas that I can then import into PowerSchool?  Any help is appreciated!

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1 Solution

Hi Jennifer!

We do actually support PowerSchool version 10, however we do not support the new PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook. Have your teachers made the switch to the new gradebook?

If so, there are a few options for exporting grades out of Canvas. From the admin account settings, you can run a grade export so show grades for all users. Teachers may also export their Canvas gradebook into a spreadsheet format.

Let us know if you have any other questions!

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