[ARCHIVED] Can students resume a quiz in the new quizzes format?

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If students begin a New Quiz format, can they stop mid-quiz and come back to it a different day?  I know in the classic quizzes, they can close the quiz and then 'Resume Quiz'.

My team is putting together a stimulus with questions that won't get done in one day.   It's an assignment (reading/watching videos/using a model/answering questions) instead of a quiz. 

We're contemplating breaking up the content somehow to make it three separate assignments because we're not sure if students can leave it and come back to resume it.  We'd rather keep it as one unit called 'Plate Boundaries' where all three are in one place.

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi @dombroskim 

The happy answer is "Yes"!

I found that answer in the preamble to the following Student Guide: How do I take an assessment in New Quizzes?

You could test this in your own environment using the Student View feature on a simple quiz with a couple questions.

I hope this helps,


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