[ARCHIVED] Behov av schema helst idag [ Need a schedule any time today]

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Community Novice

Hej, jag skulle ha börjat läsa litet på distans denna vecka men jag kommer inte in i schemat. Jag har registrerat mig och kommer in på flera av dokumenten på kursens hemsida. Den enda av länkarna som det finns information på är länken 28/1 kl 13-16... de ampra länkarna v4 och 5 är blanka när jag trycker på dem. Jag vet alltså inte när jag har seminarium eller skall lämna in ngt. Jag har kontaktat de 3 peroner som står som ansvariga för sidan där en inte svarar, en hänvisar till Morten och han hänvisar till er. Det står att det är viktigt att komma igång direkt och imorgon em är jag ju 40 h-lästid efter samt att jag kanske redan har eller snart kommer missa ngt obligatoriskt seminarium. Kan ni hjälpa mig snarast? ni får gärna logga in som mig och prova länkarna själv men jag behöver också ha schema med information när deadline är etc. MVH Angelica [email address removed to preserve privacy] [phone number redacted to preserve privacy]

Translation from Google Translate:

Hi, I would have started reading some distance this week but I won't get into the schedule. I have registered and will be included in several of the documents on the course's website. The only one of the links on which there is information is the link 28/1 at 13-16 ... the ampere links v4 and 5 are blank when I press them. So I do not know when I have a seminar or will submit something. I have contacted the 3 people who are responsible for the page where one does not answer, one refers to Morten and he refers to you. It goes without saying that it is important to get started right away and tomorrow I am after 40 hours of reading time and that I may already or will soon miss a mandatory seminar. Can you help me as soon as possible? you are welcome to log in as me and try the links yourself but I also need a schedule with information when the deadline is etc. [contact info removed to preserve privacy]

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello,  @angelica_wahlgr  Welcome to the Canvas Community! You undoubtedly don't realize that you've posted this message to a global forum where people gather to exchange their ideas about how to use Canvas software. Please contact your instructor by sending a message through the Canvas Inbox, as explained in How do I send a message to a user in a course in the Inbox as a student?

We also wanted to let you know that we removed your private contact information from the post to preserve your privacy, as posts here are publicly visible anywhere on the web.

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