[ARCHIVED] August 3rd Canvas Catalog Users Group Monthly Meeting

Community Coach
Community Coach

Canvas Catalog Users Group Monthly Calls


This monthly call was the reason why this Catalog User Group started.


During this call, we collaborate, discuss questions related to Catalog, and find out/provide information from Instructure about upgrades to Catalog.


Anyone in this group is welcome to attend! 


Meeting Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PM EST, 1st Friday every 2 months

Meeting Phone Number: 1-415-655-0002

Meeting Password: Catalog1

Meeting Number/Access Code: 733 617 450

Meeting Link (Presentations, Screensharing): https://umd.webex.com/umd/j.php?MTID=m76ad8c2c387e99827ffc001e5e9b85a0

Agenda: Canvas Catalog User Group Monthly Meeting - Google Docs 

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