[ARCHIVED] Attendance Notifications

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Community Novice

Is there a way to deactivate the automatic notification feature in Attendance? Apparently, when I take Attendance, Canvas automatically e-mails the students with their attendance record. So, students are receiving e-mails from all of their classes. I checked in the Notification section under Account, but there appears to be no category for Attendance. Am I missing something?

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Community Coach
Community Coach

My guess is that this isn't a special type of notification, but included as part of the "Grading" notification since this is technically a grade. I double checked the guide and pdf on this - How do I set my Canvas notification preferences? & https://s3.amazonaws.com/tr-learncanvas/docs/CanvasNotifications.pdf - and don't see anything specific that mentions attendance, so your best bet to be completely sure is to contact Canvas Support and see what they have to say. To do this click on the Help link in Canvas and "Report a Problem."

Hope this helps!

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