[ARCHIVED] Assignment given to 1 student, unable to sync

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I have alternate assignments with only 1 student assigned to them.  When I try to sync the grades, these assignments are greyed out on the sync list.  I have all the correct options turned on and checked off in the actual assignment to enable grade syncing, but I'm guessing that there is still something I'm missing or just am unable to do for some reason.  Anyone have an idea on how to fix this issue?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @lastillwell429!

There are several SIS options out there, including Skyward, that will not sync grades when they are assigned individual due dates. A lot of them have to be assigned to everyone or sections.

That is the most probably reason why you are not able to sync those grades. Try assigning it to everyone briefly and see if it will let you sync the grade. You might have to assign to all and then excuse the other students from it.

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