[ARCHIVED] Assign to a group without it being a "Group Project"

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A little background: I teach ceramics. My courses are mixed level so I may have a class with kids who are taking their first semester along with kids who have taken several semesters. Because if this, I have different assignments for different levels. 

Ideally, I could put kids into groups, say Level 1, and give everyone in that Level 1 the assignment, but assign it separately. I know there is an "assign individual grades" button, so it allows me to give them separate grades. 

The problem I run into is when they upload their submissions (I have them take a photo of their work and upload to Canvas) it turns it in for everyone in the group. This makes keeping track of who has turned in what an absolute nightmare. 

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1 Solution

@StefanieDean -

When your school created your course, it's likely that they are taking rosters and enrollment information from another system. Sometimes there is information passed back and forth between Canvas and that student information system (grades, etc.). The established "connection" needs to be carefully maintained is all!

A quick email to your local Canvas Admin or Tech Coordinator should be the best place to start. Ask if it's possible to create multiple sections within one course, one section for each level, even when they attend the same hour. If you share your reasons, I bet they'll work with you to make it possible! ...and if not, I'm sure they'll be able to explain to you why it can't work in your district's setup. 

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